Sunday, August 05, 2007



I saw an article on TechCrunch about Multiverse ( and thought I should check it out.
Multiverse was started back in 2004 by a group of “Netscape veterans”.
Their aim was to develop a new sort of games platform that allows “indie” developers to create their own games. Multiverse provides a range of tools and contents to help in the games development. Game players only need one client to access any Multiverse game.
Games developers run their games on their own server, if they are not charging users then the use of Multiverse is free, otherwise the usual model will be to pay 10% of gross revenue, or to make an upfront payment.
There area number of sample games to try. I’ve succeeded in downloading the client on to my tablet PC, but I haven’t got any of the games I tried to actually run, I get quite a long way along and get an application error or the like.
The whole idea sounds great, and I will persevere in trying it so I can get a proper view.

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